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Church News

A Passion for Missions and Outreach

By January 8, 2024No Comments

“God has added to the ministry of Damascus Road Community Baptist Church,” says Tony Lawson, pastor of this church in Cockeysville, Maryland. This church, which began in 2018, is a small congregation that has “a deep passion for missions and outreach,” Tony says.

The church is now partnering with a group of churches in Haiti called Light in the Village Churches Mission. The group consists of 32 churches. Sixty members of those churches attend Damascus Road’s Bible institute in Haiti.

Pastor Servilus Robeson, who leads Light in the Village Churches Mission, says he is eager to share the teaching of Damascus Road with the group’s churches.

Tony says, “God adds to His church, and our responsibility is to be good stewards over every soul that is apart of this church family around the world.”