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Making disciples through healthy local churches

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Making disciples through healthy local churches

Read stories of connections from around the GARBC

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Ignite Revitalization

Clare Jewell appointed as National Representative.

Messengers at the 2024 RBM Annual Conference officially confirmed Clare Jewell as the National Representative of the GARBC during the Annual Business Meeting. Praise God for His provision, and join us in celebrating and praying for Clare’s leadership of our ministry! 

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Growing churches in today’s culture can be complex.

With an increasingly antagonistic society and complacency in the pews, it’s hard to move your church forward and make disciples—especially when you’re doing everything on your own.

Get the support you need.
Improve church health.
Move ministry forward.

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connections and opportunities.

Ministry doesn’t have to be a solo sport. Partner with Regular Baptist Ministries to find fellowship, resources, and guidance toward greater gospel fruitfulness.

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With Regular Baptist Ministries, you can:

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Be equipped with tools and resources that free you to focus on your ministry and do the everyday work of discipleship and leadership.

Find Community

Connect with others in your area and find support from other churches and leaders who understand where you are and what you’re facing.

Ignite Revitalization

Become a healthier church body with renewed purpose as you share the gospel to make disciples in your community and around the globe.

Ready to take the next step?

The greatest asset we have as an association is each other. If your ministry needs assistance, another fellow church or pastor in the association may be able to help. Follow this process to get the help, encouragement, and resources you need. 

1. Connect With Us

Share a few quick details about your church/ministry in our quick form, and we’ll connect with you to discuss your next steps. 

Connect With Us

2. Evaluate Your Needs

An RBM staff member will contact you for a confidential conversation. We’ll help you identify what resources best fit your church’s specific needs so you can move forward.

3. Get the Resources You Need

Move toward greater health as a church and be a part of a community that is working to transform our world with the gospel. 

Build momentum and find revitalization.

Connect with Regular Baptist Ministries today and take your next step forward.

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General Association of Regular Baptist Churches

A fellowship of independent Baptist churches

Regular Baptist Press

Offering theologically sound print resources to help your church make disciples


Equipping churches and leaders with grants, consultation, and coaching

GARBC International

Supporting gospel-centered churches and ministries around the world


Providing chaplaincy endorsements for military and civilian chaplains

Connect With Us

Once you’ve completed this form, someone from the RBM home office will contact you to discuss how RBM might help you in your ministry. The details of this conversation will remain confidential. We appreciate the opportunity to connect you with valuable resources.

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Please provide a brief description of what you are looking for help with.

Why Regular Baptist Ministries?

We are built on the Word of God and are an association of churches, the very institution that Christ Himself promised to build. Since 1932, we have remained steadfast in the belief and practice of the teaching of the Scriptures.

  • Over 1,100 churches in our network

  • Countless lives reached with the gospel

  • Thousands of pastors trained

  • Numerous missionaries sent out to share the gospel


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