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GARBC Ministry Resource Center Staff

244 S Randall Rd #1188
Elgin, IL 60123

EmailPhone: 1.888.588.1600

Clare Jewell, GARBC National Representative 

Mark Johnson, Regular Baptist Ministries Treasurer and Controller

Kerry Watkins, Head of Operations and HR Director | 847.585.0837

Lynne Goemaat, Receptionist, Administrative Assistant, Baptist Bulletin Subscriptions/Permissions

Diane Scallon, Administrative Assistant to the National Representative | 847.585.0842


Resource Center

RBP Customer Service

Alex Bauman, Educational Resources Director

Dawn Kalinowski, Customer Service Supervisor

Darrell Goemaat, RBI Administrator | 847.585.0815

Manning Brown, Director of Chaplaincy Ministry | 847.585.0890

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GARBC Christian Character Scholarship

GARBC pastoral referral ministry is available for churches in the GARBC. David Strope, GARBC interim national representative, facilitates contacts between pastoral candidates and churches, and provides counsel for church search committees and pastors in transition.

The task of evaluating the suitability of potential candidates is no small assignment. Most pastoral search committees do not view themselves as qualified for the task. Our office is here to help. As you begin the process of seeking a pastor, valuable resources are The Right Pastor, a practical and easy-to-use guide in leading your church through the process of pastoral search from start to finish and When the Word Leads Your Pastoral Search, which addresses the transition of pastoral leadership, detailing search committee leadership responsibilities in a Biblical and practical way.

For CHURCHES in the GARBC seeking pastoral candidates

Please submit your church’s request for referrals of pastoral candidates by completing the GARBC job posting form. You must complete the GARBC job posting form to receive pastoral candidate referral assistance.

If you would like to submit additional documents, such as a job description or cover letter, you may do so by emailing it to

Upon receiving your request, David Strope will seek names of potential candidates and will contact your church as he becomes aware of appropriate men. We encourage each autonomous GARBC church to investigate each candidate thoroughly to determine whether or not the candidate will fit its ministry philosophy and vision. Background checks and character references are helpful tools for churches to use in determining the moral character of candidates.

If your church desires search consultation, please contact David Strope.

For PASTORAL CANDIDATES in the GARBC seeking pastoral position

We accept pastoral candidates in our referral assistance who are current or former members of GARBC churches or who are graduates from Bible colleges and seminaries that have displayed at the GARBC annual conference (Appalachian Bible College, Mt. Hope, W.V.; Bob Jones University, Greenville, South Carolina; Cedarville University, Cedarville, Ohio; Central Baptist Theological Seminary, Plymouth, Minn.; Clarks Summit University and Baptist Bible Seminary, Clarks Summit, Pa.; Faith Baptist Bible College and Seminary, Ankeny, Iowa; Grace Baptist Bible College, Winston-Salem, N.C.; Maranatha Baptist Bible College, Watertown, Wis.; Piedmont Baptist College and Graduate School, Winston-Salem, N.C.; and Shasta Bible College, Redding, Calif).

Our goal is to facilitate connection between our men of God and GARBC churches needing pastoral leadership. We strive to refer pastoral candidates who have solid convictions related to our fundamental doctrine and core values. We seek to encourage pastoral leadership in our churches that affirms involvement in the GARBC and joins with us in upholding the banner of sound doctrine, balanced separation, Baptist distinctives, and world evangelism. We do not accept resumes of candidates who have been divorced.

Prior to submitting your information and resumes to GARBC pastoral referral assistance, we ask that you read the GARBC Articles of Faith and become familiar with our mission and historical documents. An additional resource to deepen background knowledge of the GARBC is One in Hope and Doctrine by Kevin Bauder and Robert Delnay.

When you have completed reading these writings and have determined that you are in agreement with the faith and practice of the GARBC, complete our candidate application form and upload your resume at the designated spot on the form. Please complete every category of the form.

If your personal history meets the above requirements, David Strope will enter your candidate form and résumé into the GARBC pastoral referral assistance and will forward it to churches that may be interested in you as a candidate.

If contacted by a church, please investigate the church thoroughly to determine if the church is an appropriate match for your ministry philosophy and vision. Each church in the GARBC is autonomous and makes its own decisions in pursuing candidates and choosing a pastor. If you have questions regarding the submission process, please contact