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April Bb Pulse Newsletter and C18 Update

By April 1, 2024No Comments

Here's a closer look at what's happening around RBM this month!

Letter from the RBM National Representative

Greetings in the name of our wonderful Lord Jesus!

Spring has come to much of our country, though some northern climes yet await its arrival. Crocuses spring upward, the warm sun lengthens our days, and allergies bloom along with the trees. 

I’m reminded often of 1 Corinthians 16:9: “For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” Not “but”—but “and”! Spring warmth along with fits of sneezing. Great opportunities for ministry accompanied by adversaries. 

The apostle Paul was full of faith, seeking to widely extend the reach of the gospel, and was a realist: along with opportunities will be difficulties. He later would experience the same: God telling Paul no three times as he sought removal of the thorn in his flesh, yet he also experienced God’s sustaining grace, the personal presence and power of Jesus Christ Himself. Not “but”—but “and”!

This spring God no doubt will bring the same into our lives and ministries: great opportunities along with daunting adversities. The latter drives us to supplication, to dependence, to God Himself. The former moves us to endure joyfully in ministry.

I pray that God gives you great and effective doors of ministry even in the presence of chronic adversity. 

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18).

In His grace, 

David E. Strope, D.D.
Interim National Representative

April Pulse Ministry Updates

DAVID STROPE, Interim National Representative

March was a month of recovery, rest, and ministry for my wife, Debbie, and me. My February ministry in Liberia was thrilling yet taxing, with days spent recuperating, resting, and digging out from an avalanche of delayed tasks. 

I represented RBM at two churches last month: Daniels Road Baptist Church, Fort Myers, Florida, and Berean Baptist Church, Naples, Florida. Debbie accompanied me at both churches, and both warmly received us. 

At Daniels Road Baptist Church, Debbie and I delighted in reconnecting with Chris Hindal, former director of Regular Baptist International, and his wife, Deb. Chris serves part-time as pastor of missions at Daniels Road Baptist Church. The congregation, Pastor Michael Banks, and his wife, Kelly, treated us royally.

Ministry in Florida also brought preaching and presenting ministry at Berean Baptist Church, Naples, Florida. Joshua and Sherri Wasson serve as pastor and wife there. They were church members under my pastoral ministry in Iowa for a decade. At Berean Baptist Church, we also enjoyed the fellowship of James and Leslie Maxwell. Dr. Maxwell’s résumé is too lengthy to note, but most of all he and Leslie were members and great encouragers of Ankeny (Iowa) Baptist Church, where I was previously pastor. The Maxwells are faithful and fruitful witnesses in their neighborhood and through their church. 

In early March I enjoyed working on-site at the RBM office in Elgin, Illinois, and continue to profit from the ministry of so many who work on behalf of RBM.

My Travel Schedule This Month

April 2–3: Bob Jones University chapel
April 3: BJU Seminary chapel
April 5–6: Nebraska Association of Regular Baptist Churches annual meeting
April 14: Grace Baptist Church, Westlake, Ohio
April 17: Appalachian Bible College chapel
April 20–21: First Baptist Church, Wellington, Ohio
April 27: Northeast Fellowship Serve Boldly conference, Breesport Baptist Church, Breesport, New York
April 28: Grace Baptist Church, Batavia, New York

The Baptist Bulletin

Both the print copy and digital version of the Spring Baptist Bulletin will soon be delivered. Read it cover to cover, then share it with a neighbor.    

RBM Conference 2024

The RBM staff is now working daily in preparation for the RBM Conference 2024, “Together: The Incredible Value of Biblical Fellowship.” Pray for Dr. Mike Bullmore and each of the additional men who will preach.

Join us for the conference at Harvest Bible Chapel in Elgin, Illinois, June 24–27. Registration is now open.

Please also nominate men for the Council of 18 ballot, and encourage others to do the same.

Personal Notes

My wife, Debbie, and I are doing well in personal life, marriage, and ministry. It was a joy to have her with me for ministry presentations in Florida. We continue to adjust to new phases of life—sorting through her deceased mom’s belongings, aiding her soon-to-be 95-year-old father, and Debbie adjusting to retirement.

We rejoice in championing the history, presence, ministry, and future of the GARBC. We sense the encouragement and prayers of so many.

The apostle Paul noted in 2 Corinthians 11:27–28, “In weariness and toil, in sleeplessness often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness—besides the other things, what comes upon me daily: my deep concern for all the churches.” As Debbie and I travel from church to church, from association to association, our concern for churches grows. Along with great opportunities for ministry are many adversaries. We must work, trust God, and persist through adverse circumstances, seeing effective doors of ministry for Jesus Christ.

“And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming. If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him” (1 John 2:28–29).

KERRY WATKINS, Head of Operations and HR Director

We are working on many things to improve our service delivery and operational efficiency at the home office. I won’t go into the details, but be praying for us as we make decisions to strengthen and build Regular Baptist Ministries. Progress is being made in a lot of areas that will help us reduce costs and streamline operations. We are thankful for the progress being made and for additional opportunities that have been identified and are being worked on. Over time we will be able to serve our churches and their pastors better, we will be more focused on our purpose, and we will be a stronger ministry.

One staff member has just retired, and another will retire at the end of April. In both cases we have been able to meet our staffing needs by making internal changes. God was good to us in that we had staff who could fill the positions and were excited to do so.

Like I stated last month, we will probably have some needs in our editorial department. I apologize that we have not been able to post any jobs yet. Please keep an eye on the Careers page on our website. Open positions will be posted there when we determine exactly what our needs will be.

Continue to pray for the national representative search team. The process is ongoing. We are thankful for progress being made.

Explore Careers with Regular Baptist Ministries

MARK JOHNSON, Treasurer and Controller

Registration is now open for the Regular Baptist Ministries Conference June 24–27! We are so excited to welcome you to Harvest Bible Chapel in Elgin, Illinois, where the RBM office has been located since late 2022.

Harvest’s facility will provide a spacious venue for this year’s conference, and we can’t wait to gather with you for fellowship, singing, and learning. For those with children and teens, we have a terrific program planned that will nourish them spiritually and provide fun opportunities in the community. If you are connected to an organization or business that serves Regular Baptist churches, consider joining us as an exhibitor to strengthen and expand your connections with ministry leaders.

You won’t want to miss this time of refreshment. Register today for discounted early bird pricing (ends May 15).

Register for the Regular Baptist Ministries Conference 2024

MATT OLMSTEAD, Director of Regular Baptist Press

RBP operations continue steadily. As the season changes, we’re entering the peak of our ordering season with both VBS and Sunday School curriculum heading out. Seeing how many churches we serve with high-quality material that points children, students, and adults to the gospel is refreshing.

I have no travel plans for the coming weeks, so I can finish getting my house ready for sale. Lord willing, my family and I will be moving to a temporary location in Chicagoland in May.

Explore Regular Baptist Press

DARRELL GOEMAAT, Coordinator of Regular Baptist International

Regular Baptist International partners in Africa continue to send monthly requests for prayer and relief, with reports of military fighting.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, warfare is forcing people to flee their cities. People are now living in displacement camps, with host families, or in churches. “We have no proper words to explain how people are suffering here in displacement camps,” says Ndiho Pascal, president of the Community of Baptist Churches of Central Africa. In several villages, homes have been destroyed by bombs, and people have been killed. “You can hear from our city sounds of gunfire and bombs,” Ndiho says. “Your continuing prayers for ceasefire and peace are cherished.” 

Please pray for the international committee’s April meeting. The committee will consider 14 grant applications and three applications from church associations that are interested in joining the Biblical Baptist Partnership International. We thank the Lord for these pastors who desire to be part of the Regular Baptist International network for spiritual encouragement, prayer support, and outreach collaboration. The committee also needs wisdom to know how to support our partners seeking financial assistance. The needs are great, and the requests are beyond our current resources to provide full funding.

Also pray for wisdom as Regular Baptist International chooses an international ministry to support through the missions giving project of Regular Baptist Press’s 2025 Vacation Bible School program. There are many worthy ministries among our international partners.

On behalf of our international partners, thank you for your prayers and financial support of Regular Baptist International.

Give to Regular Baptist International

MANNING BROWN, Director of Regular Baptist Chaplaincy

​​Chaplains respond to needs anytime, anywhere. Recently one of our police chaplains responded to a multicar accident. Riding along with a police officer, he was able to minister to the families involved at the scene. Crises can occur at any moment, and chaplains are there, ready to provide Christ-centered counsel, comfort, and care.

Visit Regular Baptist Chaplaincy

CLARE JEWELL, Director of Generate

Generate sponsored nine M3 conferences from September 2023 to February 2024! We are grateful for this opportunity to connect with pastors and share resources to help churches focus on multiplying disciples, leaders, and churches. In February, Generate held M3 conferences in northern, central, and southern California and central Washington. Please let me know if you’d like to host an M3 conference at your church in the next year or two.

Please also join Generate’s 50/50 campaign! We are praying for 50 churches to commit $50 per month to help fund church planting, church renewal, and leadership development grants. Anyone who signs up by the end of June will receive a complimentary Matthew volume of the New Testament Exposition Commentary.

Visit Generate


April 5–6: Nebraska Association of Regular Baptist Churches conference
April 7: Gretna Baptist Church, Gretna, Nebraska
April 8–12: Missionary orientation at ABWE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
April 14: First Baptist Church, Connell, Washington
April 18–20: Baptist Network Northwest conference
April 21–28: Open Toronto Initiative prayer and vision trip, Toronto, Ontario