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Contradiction in Matthew?

By June 1, 1998November 9th, 2022No Comments


Matthew 7:14 and Matthew 11:30 seem to contradict each other. Please explain.

There is no contradiction. Matthew 7:14 warns that following Christ can be difficult. Matthew 11:30 states, “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” This second passage does not mean that there are not difficulties, trials, heartaches, and burdens in following Christ. (Matthew 7:14 says rightly that there are.)

Rather it is saying that we do not have to carry them alone. We are “yoked up with” One Who gives us the strength to bear everything that comes our way. How foolish is the Christian who does not pay attention to this reality and tries to bear burdens by Himself. The “yoke” here is a neck harness for two, and the Lord wants to be one of the two.

This article appeared in the “Q & A” column of the Baptist Bulletin (June 1998) by Norman A. Olson.