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Book ReviewsCommentary

Influential Authors

By August 3, 2009July 16th, 20147 Comments

Which authors (living or dead) have most influenced your thought?

This was a question recently posed to me by a younger friend who is considering entering pastoral ministry. Honestly, I hate this question because it forces me to make a short list out of what should be a very long one. But I also love this question because it allows me the opportunity to spend time in my library just staring at the shelves and remembering which books have impacted me.

I’m going to spend the next few days (as time allows, which isn’t much) thinking this through. Perhaps you will want to jump in on this one. Which authors have had the greatest impact on your total outlook on the Christian life and theology? Let’s limit the number of authors to five. Feel free to comment with your list (roughly in order of priority).