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Leadership Vision

By Commentary
Sometimes leaders are so busy painting a beautiful picture of a better future that they can’t see the potholes right in front of them! Good leadership includes seeing those and…
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March BB Pulse Newsletter

By Commentary
Greetings in the name of our wonderful Lord Jesus! Today I sit in the GARBC national representative’s office in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Just outside that office are lithographs of Robert…
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No Fear This School Year

By Commentary
If you are fearful entering this school year, then turn to God’s Word for hope. Within the pages of the Bible, there are precious promises for scared, weak, and needy…
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On Uncertainty

By Commentary
This is a time of great uncertainty, but it is also a time for reflection on First Things, on Prime Principles. On what is certain. On Truth.
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By Commentary
Just as biblical love is an action (not a feeling) so is biblical forgiveness. Stop looking at your emotions as a barometer and start looking unto Jesus.
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Thanks & Giving

By Commentary
This Thanksgiving Day, as we sit down with our family and friends and stare at that turkey with the trimmings, perhaps we should remind ourselves to be better thankers and…
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A Few Good Men

By Commentary
It is God’s business to turn people who are not good into people are who are. Justification declares us to be righteous based on the righteousness of another, so we…
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The War Within

By Commentary
Do you find yourself in a cyclical battle with sin? Next time you sin, stop yourself, and walk yourself through James 4:1–4.
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Movie Review: Unplanned

By Commentary
Unplanned is a film you need to see. It will change your perspective. It is not entertaining, but it does show in compelling fashion both what abortion is and how…
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God Will Fix This!

By Commentary, Culture
On Dec. 3 the New York Daily News published the headline “God Isn’t Fixing This” in response to the outpouring of prayer support for the victims of the San Bernardino…
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Misplaced Desires

By Commentary
By Bernie Augsburger “Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? You lust and do…
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I Don’t Understand

By Commentary, Network Blogs
Organizations often choose names that advertise their purpose or emphasis. The Federal Aviation Administration regulates aviation. The American Automobile Association helps drivers of automobiles. Alcoholics Anonymous is devoted to alcoholics—and…
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By Culture
Today the film Collision: Is Christianity Good for the World? is released. Collision documents the public debates and private interactions between atheist Christopher Hitchens and evangelical theologian Douglas Wilson. Dr.…
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By Culture
I was interested to read Terry Mattingly's review of Jon Mark Yeats and Thomas White's book Franchising McChurch. Mattingly states, Today’s megachurches offer members new options. Grandmother may attend a…
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On the Level

By Book Reviews
Discovering the Levels of Biblical Relationships Among Believers RICHARD I. GREGORY and RICHARD W. GREGORY IFCA Press (1-800-347-1840), 218 Pages, Paper, $12.95 The association known as the Independent Fundamental Churches…
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Faith Undone

By Book Reviews
The Emerging Church Roger Oakland Lighthouse Trails (, 260 Pages, Paper, $12.95 Here is a welcome book on a growing movement calling itself “the emerging church.” Until now, relatively few…
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All Shook Up

By Book Reviews
CARSON HOLLOWAY, Spence Publishing Company, 212 Pages, Hardcover, $27.95 All Shook Up: Music, Passion, and Politics is a decidedly scholarly book and is neither particularly Christian nor Biblical; for example,…
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