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Reaching Families

By August 3, 2010June 20th, 2014One Comment

This week our theme is “Reaching Families.” We’d like to share ideas for reaching not just children but entire families with the gospel and seeing them come to know Christ and join the church.

One outreach ministry that targets families is Upward Sports. My church has hosted Upward Basketball and Cheerleading for six years. Although Upward is designed to help churches conduct community sports leagues for children, it can be effective in reaching families as well. Why? First, because many parents who bring their children to practice each week stay for the entire practice. Second, because parents, grandparents, extended family, and friends often come to watch the children play in the game on Saturday, and during halftime they hear a gospel testimony.

Conducting an Upward league certainly has its challenges (such as finding enough volunteers!), but it can be a wonderful way to build relationships with families in your community with the goal of reaching them for Christ and introducing them to your church.

What are some ways your church reaches families?